Nothing too exciting has really happened this week. Thought I would have bit of training week this week and do some big rides in the weekend but that didn't really happen. I felt pretty average while riding this week. Felt good on Saturday and did a fast 90k ride. I wanted to do more but I had skyped my friends back home and watched the rugby with them. A bunch of my mates gathered at Sam's house to watch the rugby and they put the computer in front of the TV so I could watch the rugga with them. Go the mighty All Blacks! I went out for my ride quite late and I had to get home so I could go shopping because I had nothing for dinner and the shops are closed on Sundays. I whipped a pretty good chicken lasagne and I munched on that for Saturday and Sunday dinner. My roommate, Taylor, has gone over to France for just over two weeks for a big 3 day tour in the mountains. It's a pure climbers race so I didn't get chosen for that which I am kind of happy about because they do about 90km a day and that normally takes them about 4 hours! I am going to head back over to the house in Zottegem either tomorrow or Wednesday and chill with the other guys in the team because it is quite boring living and riding by myself. There's wifi at the house too! None of this internet cable stuff. I have moved my laptop over to the couch for a change, lucky the internet chord is so long.
The weather here has definitely warmed up. We had about 3 days of sun and warmth which was bloody nice to ride in. It felt good to ride in only shirts and shorts again. I had to wear shorts and singlet for one of the days because it was that hot.
Last Monday, Taylor and I rode up to Kortrijk on the town bikes and met up with some kiwi riders that are over here. It's quite funny how many kiwis there are over here. Yesterday I saw a Jeep that had three big silver fern stickers on the boot and on both doors, I've also seen a few random people wearing New Zealand riding kits and there is a house near Oudenaarde, I think it could be a B&B, and it has the NZ flag and a silver fern flag on flag poles just in front of the house. We have more kiwis coming over here now with the Junior track team that are going to Worlds arriving very soon.

I got a bit bored on Friday and I had a few brown bananas lying around so I decide to make some banana muffins. I bought a muffin tray and bread tin from the supermarket and I decided that I would try out my new muffin tray today. Mum had sent me an awesome banana muffin recipe and I think they came out pretty awesome. They tasted damn good too. I put a heap of chocolate chips in them so they were awesomely chocolaty. Managed to make nine muffins and I ate them all.
The picture below is of the Izegem Canal.

We went to Andrew's parents house for dinner some day last week (I just spent about 5 minutes trying to think what day we went over there but I can't remember) and they cooked up a mean feed in their outdoor fireplace cooker thing. They cooked up two sets of big ribs and some other kinds of meat and sausages. It was quite nice to try some different meats and not have to cook because that night I was on cooking duty. I had a try of Duvel beer which is quite a fancy Belgium beer, it's 8% too which is quite a lot for a beer. Tasted good though.
That's about it from me. Wasn't too exciting of a week over here. I think it will be a good week living with some different people. Oh yea, got my haircut the other day too after about 2 and half months. It was about a month and a half over due but I got one so now mum can stop nagging me. That's all really. Hopefully the warm sunny weather stays and my legs feel a bit better.
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