This week hasn't been such a good week. Been feeling and riding really average. I wasn't sleeping good at all, I found it really hard to get to sleep. While riding, I didn't feel like I had any power in the legs and after about an hour and a half I would pretty much hit a brick wall and become really sleepy, I just wanted to close my eyes while riding. I was told to have a few days off to try recuperate which I did but with no one at the house I was pretty bored. So on Thursday I decided to pack some of my things, chuck 'em in a bag and ride over to Zottegem where the other boys from the team are staying. Zottegem is about a 75km ride and lucky for me I had a tailwind all the way. Living at the house in Zottegem are two kiwi's, two aussies, an Irishman and a Manx (Isle Of Man for you non-geographical people). One of the Aussies had gone to France to compete in the Tour that Taylor was doing so they had a spare bed. The guys are all a real good laugh. Had a pretty good time staying with some different people. The riding in Zottegem is pretty nice too, there are quite a few steep climbs you can find and we managed to find a massive man-made beach so I might have to go back over there one day and go for a swim. They have a big camp ground by the beach and an indoor swimming pool with a big as slide and you can go mountain biking or walking around the forest that surrounds the beach.

I'm still not quite feeling right with my riding, struggled a bit to ride home from Zottegem into the headwind but I survived. I think I could be lacking in something like iron so I decided to cook up a good feed for dinner tonight. Bought myself a big as steak and dad suggested to get some spinach as well, cause we saw how strong Popeye got when he ate it, fried up some sliced potatoes and boiled up some eggs. Cooked up some choice kiwi Kai tonight, it was good as aye bro. Sadly didn't have a BBQ to cook the steak on though.
Nothing else too interesting happened last week. Watched the second half of the All Blacks game, that last try was awesome! I don't know how he off loaded it! Pretty excited to have mum and dad come over here to see me. Really excited to have a look around London with them and go see all the war sites around Belgium and France, hopefully we'll go to Normandy cause I really want to see that. Supposed to be over 30 degrees tomorrow the weather is forecasting. Looks like back home you guys I getting smashed by rain and the South Island is going to be pretty white, guts for you. The one thing I hate about living in the country over here is the amount of flies, and these are some ruthless flies. They buzz all around your face and ear. Sometimes there's a fly that stays in my room and it wakes me up cause it either lands on my face or buzzes in my ear. I found a ruler in one of the drawers and now, the flies are dropping like flies... Hey yo! Also, they have air powered canon on the farm paddocks to keep the birds from destroying the crops, and these canons are loud! Scares the shit out of you when they go off while you are riding past. I wonder if it scares the old people who made it through World War 2?
So yea, that's about it. Going to try do a small race this weekend to see how the legs are doing. Hopefully I get some form in the old legs again soon.
Thanks for reading
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